In addition, if supplier is aware of any additional precautions or handling techniques instituted with regard to other customers, you are requested to submit those safeguards with the MSDS. Supplier must send to Alltec a Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) certification letter for products purchased on this purchase order including a statement that all chemical components are listed by the Toxic Substances Control Act Inventory (PL 94-94-969).
name/number of the specification for which the material is in compliance;
lot, batch, or other traceable designation;
actual test results or percentage of each element that makes up the chemical or physical properties of the raw material;
a statement of conformance to the applicable specification.
compliance to electronic data by independent verifiable methods. Acceptable methods of FAI include measurement by Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), a fit-check of the completed item to corresponding hardware from the next assembly level, comparison to a transparency or Mylar sketch of the article or other similar methods approved by ALLTEC. In addition, a FAI report must document the methods of verification. The report shall also reference any specific dimensional or other requirements from the engineering drawing and the actual corresponding measurement or value associated with the requirement.
Non-shippable items and/or none specified by the Customer.
As an ALLTEC supplier, manufacturing a product requiring Alltec Customer and / or "Federal Aviation Administration" (FAA) approval, the Seller's "Quality Control System" shall be subject to surveillance by ALLTEC and the FAA.
Allows ALLTEC, its customers and regulatory authorities the right of
access, at any level of the supply chain, through prior notification, to determine and verify the quality of work, applicable quality records and materials at all applicable areas of all facilities involved in the order.
All requirements defined in ALLTEC’S purchase order must flow down to sub-tier suppliers as applicable.
FAI’s shall be performed on all new or revised production manufactured items by seller at seller's facility. Results will be documented on a report identified as a "First Article Inspection Report" (FAIR). The identified first article unit and the FAIR will be sent to Alltec.
FAI shall be performed on all new or revised production manufactured items by seller at seller's facility. Results shall be documented on a report identified as "First Article Inspection Report" (FAIR). The report will be maintained at the seller’s facility, and be available for review by Alltec when requested.
FAI and/or test shall be accomplished at the Seller's facility before the balance of order may be fabricated. ALLTEC will conduct or witness inspections and/or tests and the results will be on a report form identified as "First Article Inspection Report".
Alltec inspection is required prior to shipment from your facility. Evidence of such inspection must be included in your packing documents
accompanying each shipment. You must contact Alltec’s purchasing and establish verification arrangements and the method of product release. Drawings, inspection/test documents, and specifications, as applicable, covering material on this order shall be available for inspection at your facility.
The supplier has met the requirements established by ALLTEC quality organization for the verification of Alltec product. Alltec's receiving inspection will perform quarterly inspections of product from delegated suppliers to ensure continued compliance to the conformance requirements.
Supplier MRB action is not authorized on any procured parts. Any departure from drawings, specifications, or other purchased order requirements must be submitted to Alltec for disposition.
The supplier must apply an hourly inspection plan on critical dimensions outlined by Alltec and supply a signed copy of the results with each shipment. The plan must be approved by Alltec Quality Assurance prior to the initial start of fabrication.
The supplier must apply Statistical Process Control (SPC) to this purchase order. A CPK of 1.33 or greater is required. Each shipment must be accompanied with a signed copy of the applicable SPC Control Plan(s). The
Control Characteristic listed in SPC Control Plan shall be approved by Alltec Quality Assurance prior to commencing with production /
Each shipment must be accompanied by positive traceability of the parts by cross-referencing all manufacturing and shipping documents to test reports or certifications for the specific raw material lot from which the parts were manufactured is required.
Each shipment shall be accompanied by one (1) legible and reproducible copy of a Certification Document (Certificate of Conformance, Shipper, Packing List,
etc.) that includes the identification (signature, electronic signature, stamp, etc.) of the person authorizing release of product, assuring the items ordered were produced in accordance with and conforming in all respects with the contractual
requirements including, but not limited to, specifications, drawings, marking requirements, physical item identification and electrical characteristics when applicable. If placed on a separate sheet, this statement must be directly traceable to the shipped product (i.e. via shipment list number, part and/or lot number(s), etc.) When the parts are serialized, serial numbers shall be included on the certification.
Each shipment shall be accompanied by one (1) legible and reproducible copy
of a certificate that must include the signature and title of the person authorizing release of product certifying all processes used, such as heat
treating, welding, NDT, surface preparation and treatment, etc. The certificate shall include the processing used, the specification to which they
conform and the name of the agency that performed them if other than the seller (i.e. sub-vendor). When the parts are serialized, serial numbers shall be included on the certification.
Each shipment must be accompanied by one (1) legible and reproducible copy of all chemical and physical test reports identifiable with materials ordered. The reports must contain the signature and title of the authorized representative of the agency performing the test and must assure conformance to specification requirements.
Time sensitive material shall be furnished with a minimum of 80% of its shelf life remaining at date of shipment. Shelf life duration, date of manufacture and date of expiration shall be listed on material certification.
All parts found to be acceptable by non-destructive testing methods are to be
so, identified by placing the proper acceptance test /inspection stamp or label on such
acceptable parts. All parts found to be unacceptable are to be so identified by placing the proper withholding stamp or label on such
defective parts. In those cases where NDT testing is being performed
by a lower-tier supplier and his acceptance stamp is obliterated by further processing, a copy of the lower-tier's certification must accompany shipment to ALLTEC.
Seller shall assure that any process and/or non-destructive test (NDT) requested on this purchase order shall be performed only by sources currently appearing on the ALLTEC's "List of Approved Vendors" for the specific type of work to be conducted.
The supplier must provide Alltec a manufacturing schedule showing Major Tasks and Milestones. The mold design will be owned and must be approved by Alltec prior to start of mold fabrication. Deliverables must include, but not limited to, Mold Design, in electronic data file, printed or both as required by Alltec, any and all electrode designs, and the mold as described in the Alltec Purchase Order. The supplier must perform and submit to Alltec the First Article Inspection Report (FAIR) on all parts produced by the fabricated mold. The mold will not be considered complete or accepted until Alltec approves, in writing, the FAIR for each molded component.
Each shipment shall be accompanied by one (1) legible and reproducible copy of
a packing slips. The packaging will be marked with Manufacturer or Distributor name, part number, revision letter (if applicable), manufacturing lot number, and quantity contained within the package. Information is to be marked with indelible ink or adhesive label on each individual package.
A “Dangerous Goods” decal must be applied to the outer container of the item being shipped and to the associated shipping document (shipper).
Also, one copy of the applicable MSDS sheet must be provided with each shipment.
This is in addition to federal & state requirements noted in IATA & DOT CFR. It does not relieve the supplier of their responsibility to comply with any marking & labeling requirements set forth in the IATA & DOT CFR or any other legal documentation that may apply to this shipment.
Manufacturers name; ALLTEC p.o. number; and a statement to the
effect that the manufactures certification (required by the Section 7 of the "Law") is on file with the distributor.
Identification: Each package shall be identified with the lot number, name of the parts, part identification number, P.O. number and name of
fastener manufacturer.
Seller will report to Buyer if a product, article or part has been released from Seller or Seller's subcontractors or suppliers and subsequently found not to conform to the applicable design data.
/ physical test reports required by the government approved Procurement Specification are on file with the manufacturer, and available for review by customer and /or government quality assurance representative upon request.
requirements. The statement of conformity, as a minimum, shall contain Alltec P.O. number, packing slip number; a copy of applicable test
records (chemical, physical, processes and NDT) required by the government approved Parts Standard and Procurement Specification are available, or are obtainable upon customer request. The statement of conformity must contain the name of the fastener manufacturer, and shall be signed and dated by an authorized representative.
In addition to any other provision set forth in this Order or any other applicable agreement, Supplier further commits that any material violation of law by Supplier relating to basic working conditions and human rights, including but not limited to laws regarding slavery and human trafficking, applicable to Supplier’s performance under this Order may be considered a material breach of this Order for which Alltec may elect to cancel any open Orders between Alltec and the Supplier, for cause, in accordance with the provisions of this Order or any other applicable agreement, or exercise any other right of Alltec for an event of default under this Order or any other applicable agreement.
The supplier shall provide packaging that maintains the quality of the fabricated item and prevents damage, deterioration, substitution or loss in transit. The supplier shall label the exterior of the package to ensure adequate identification of precautions needed to ensure the integrity of the product being shipped. The supplier must specify the handling and shipping methods that ensure proper and on-time delivery without damage to the product, unless otherwise specified on the Alltec Purchase Order. The supplier shall ensure that special labeling requirements shall also be listed in the appropriate shipping documents and on each package.
Definition. “Ozone-Depleting Substance,” as used in this clause, means any substance the Environmental Protection Agency designates in 40 CFR Part 82 as—
Class I, including, but not limited to, chlorofluorocarbons, halons, carbon tetrachloride, and methyl chloroform; or
Class II, including, but not limited to hydrochlorofluorocarbons.
Supplier shall label products which contain or are manufactured with ozone-depleting substances in the manner and to the extent required by 42 U.S.C 7671j (b), (c), and (d) and 40 CFR Part 82, Subpart E, as applicable:
Contains *, a substance(s) which harm(s) public health and environment by destroying ozone in the upper atmosphere.
Manufactured with *, a substance(s) which harm(s) public health and environment by destroying ozone in the upper atmosphere.
*Supplier shall insert the name of the substance(s).
Supplier shall plan, implement and flow down to employees and sub-tier suppliers a system for the prevention of counterfeit or suspect counterfeit part use and their inclusion in product(s) delivered to Alltec and/or the Customer
This part/assembly Supplier Data Submittal Procedure whereby design, process, specification and quality plan changes affecting the part are to be submitted for review and approval prior to acceptance into production.
It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure the latest revision of Bombardier documents BAPs and BAMS are used in the manufacturing and/or distribution of product shipped to Alltec.
Supplier shall have a process in place to flow down and ensure its employees are aware of their contribution to product or service conformity, to product safety and the importance of an ethical behavior when performing activities concerned by Alltec contracts or purchase orders.
Supplier shall assure no articles (or constituent parts thereof) or the accompanying paperwork (e.g. packages, shippers, etc.) contain any Federal Aviation Administration Parts Manufacture Approval (FAA-PMA) markings, unless otherwise contractually approved by Alltec.
Supplier shall maintain verifiable objective evidence of all inspections and test performed, results obtained and dispositions of non-conforming articles. These records shall be identified to associated articles, including lot number of materials, unit of lot serialization and made
available to Alltec, its customer and / or government representatives upon request and shall be retained in a safe, accessible location for a period of 10 years. Records held for the required retention period shall not be destroyed without Alltec’s and / or its customers written approval. These requirements shall flow down to all levels of sub-suppliers. Suppliers that are in danger of / or in the process of bankruptcy or closure of business, are required to contact Alltec to arrange shipment of all retained records in their possession.
Supplier shall notify Alltec in writing of any adverse change in the status of their quality control system, including change in quality assurance organization or procedures which affects conformity verification of provided product and or services. Supplier shall also notify Alltec of any location change or transfer of supplier manufacturing operations, including those of sub- tier suppliers.
Supplier shall ensure that all activities regarding Alltec’s contract and/or purchase order are performed by a skilled and trained staff, including temporary employees. Supplier shall identify any critical skills that require special competencies, and/or performed by single station operator, required for fulfillment of the contract or purchase order and develop a multi-skill competency. All final tests and inspections are to be carried out by operators authorized by the supplier’s Quality department or an equivalent Management representative. If a special process(es) is carried out (I.E. nondestructive tests, welding, etc.), operators shall be certified or qualified in accordance with AS9100 standards. A cross reference list of skills required by product or activity shall be implemented and updated accordingly.
Supplier shall implement, document, maintain, and be certified through an Accredited Certification Body in accordance with ISO 9001 standard, or AS9100 standard and any additional requirements specified in this Purchase Order. The Quality Management System shall be appropriate to the product and shall cover all activities concerned by Buyer contracts or purchase orders. Depending on the nature of the products or services ordered, the Buyer reserves the right to request the Supplier to be 9100 series certified and to be registered in OASIS data base. The Supplier shall accept to grant view access to Alltec Integrated Manufacturing Inc. in the OASIS data base for the
certification audit report.
Supplier to provide a statement regarding the product’s compliance to Restriction of Hazardous Substances (“RoHS”) directives 2002/95/EC, 2011/65/EU, and all applicable amendments. This
statement must be directly traceable to the shipped product (i.e. via shipment list, lot number(s), etc.) Identification of RoHS compliance will be made in addition to, not in place of, applicable material traceability requirements.
Supplier to provide a certificate of calibration for each device listed on the Purchase Order. The certificate must include the date of calibration, listed uncertainties, calibration due date, identification of testing equipment/standards used in the calibration, and a statement that the testing equipment/standards are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The certificate must also include a clear indication of pass/fail results, and reference either the serial number, or unique ID number, of the device being calibrated.
Calibrations must be conducted in accordance with the requirement of ISO17025 and/or ANSI Z540-1.
The supplier, shall maintain a FIS in compliance with the requirements of FAR 21.303 (h). The FIS shall be approved and subject to audit by Alltec, FAA, or its representative at any time.
As an ALLTEC supplier, manufacturing an article or component for which ALLTEC holds an FAA Parts Manufactures Approval (PMA) or Technical Standard Order Authorization (TSOA), your inspection system shall be subject to inspection by ALLTEC and /or FAA at a level commensurate with criticalness of the article or component.
Government inspection is required prior to shipment from your plant. Evidence of such inspection must be indicated on the packing sheet accompanying each shipment. On receipt of this Purchase Order, promptly contact the Government Representative who normally services your plant, or if not available, or the representative or office cannot be located, ALLTEC's purchasing should be notified. Drawing(s), test document(s) and specifications, as applicable, covering material on this order shall be available for inspection at your plant.
FAA/Foreign Civil Airworthiness Authority (FCAA) Conformity Certification is required for articles specified on this purchase document. Include with each shipment, a true copy of FAA Form 8130-3, Release Certificate Approval
Tag, for Airworthiness. Foreign government equivalent to FAA Form 8130-3 is acceptable for imported articles.
Test reports showing actual results of flammability test which meet the requirements of FAR 25.853(a) and signed by a responsible party shall accompany this shipment.
Flammability Test reports showing actual results of flammability test(s). Reports must show Fire Worthiness resistance shall be such that the requirements of FAR 25.853 (a), Amendment 25-116 (60-Second Vertical Bunsen Burner Test). Appendix F, Part I will be met, or the latest revision of the Aircraft Materials Fire Test Handbook (DOT/FAA/AR-00/12).
Flammability Test reports verifying Smoke emission shall be such that the requirements of FAR 25.853 (d) Amendment 25-116. Appendix F, Part V will be met, or the latest revision of the Aircraft Materials Fire Test Handbook (DOT/FAA/AR-00/12). Reports must include a brief description of the sample and mounting.
Flammability Test reports verifying Heat release capability shall be such that the requirements of FAR 25.853 (d), Amendment 25-116. Appendix F, Part IV will be met, or the latest revision of the Aircraft Materials Fire Test Handbook
(DOT/FAA/AR-00/12). Reports must include a brief description of the sample and mounting.
Flammability Test reports showing actual test results of flammability tests which meet the requirements of FAR 25.856 (a) and AC25.856-1 or the latest revision of the Aircraft Materials Fire Test Handbook (DOT/FAR/AR- 00/12)
Seller shall assure that any process works to be performed on Boeing design and/or part numbers by the Seller or its suppliers, shall be performed only by sources noted in the latest published Boeing Document Number D1-4426.
Material must be received with certification documenting acceptance to all requirements of the applicable Type and Class of the BMS (Boeing Material Specification).
Seller shall follow the requirements noted in the latest published Boeing Document Number D6-51991, “Quality Assurance Standard for Digital Product Definition at Boeing Suppliers”.
Returning product certifications shall contain the following statement:
"The products herein certified in accordance with the terms of BAE approval and work category. Further, right of access is granted to BAE, BAE customers and applicable aviation authorities.” Letter of Authority No.LOA/PWK/160B
DFARS Clause 252.225-7014, Preference for domestic specialty metals, prohibits the contractor (E. G. the Boeing Company) from incorporating into military aircraft “Specialty Metals” (Such as Titanium and Stainless Steel) which have been melted outside the United States, unless certain limited exceptions set forth in the clause apply. Even if one of the exceptions applied, the source for specialty metals melted outside the United States must also be listed in the qualified products list (QPL) of Douglas Material Specification (DMS) 2201, Procurement from Foreign Sources – Metallic Raw Material.
Copyright 2025 Alltec Integrated Manufacturing